We will see what this week brings. As of last Thursday, we've had a big muddy hole in the ground and not a body around. The concrete cutter showed up for a few hours on Friday, lopped off the two slabs which the backhoe couldn't remove and disappeared. Chance of rain today is 90% so I can assume that no one involved with concrete company will show up. Likewise on Rob and Co. since there's not much for his crew to do.
Dan has had a nice long weekend off and we've gotten a little more organized - even taking care of some stuff he's been wanting to get put away since we moved in. We've moved the bed out of the art room, (where my Mom slept when she visited,) and have re-arranged the furniture to avoid the leak in the ceiling. The roof guy will take a look Wednesday. Our bathroom is a little better organized, the laundry room is mostly cleaned up and put back together after being decimated by the plumbers and electricians. Dan even cleaned up a bit in the garage.
Last night as Mim played in the kitchen, she claimed to have seen an animal scurry across the floor and go under the fridge. She was sure it was a raccoon, although just hours earlier I had found mouse droppings on my bottle of 409 in the back hall closet. We investigated but did not see anything and assume it's a mouse. We still haven't gotten a cat yet but are feeling more of a sense of urgency to do so.
We also have what I am sure are Indian Meal Moths - and I haven't had the heart to clean out the food cupboards yet. It's a near impossible job the way the drawers in the kitchen are built, and we'll probably have to use traps. Dan thinks I'm nuts but I do have a little experience with these pantry pests.
The weather forecast indicates we may have a break in the rain Wednesday/Thursday. If so, we can expect some forms to be built and if it doesn't get to cold we should be poured early next week. Keep your fingers crossed.